Seesaw User Agreement

As a new user of Seesaw, a digital portfolio platform for students and teachers, it is important to be aware of the Seesaw user agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for using the platform and understanding it can help ensure a positive experience for all users.

First and foremost, Seesaw is designed for educational purposes, meaning it is intended for use in classrooms by students and teachers. Any other use of the platform may be a violation of the user agreement and could result in account suspension or termination.

The user agreement also outlines acceptable use of the platform, which includes respecting the intellectual property rights of others, not sharing inappropriate content, and maintaining appropriate behavior towards others in the Seesaw community. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to bullying, harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and threats of violence.

Seesaw also takes privacy seriously and the user agreement outlines how personal information will be collected, used, and shared. It is important to note that Seesaw does not share personal information with third-party advertisers or marketers and only shares information to third-party service providers when necessary for the platform to function.

Additionally, the user agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of both Seesaw and its users. Seesaw has the right to modify or terminate the platform at any time, but also has the responsibility to maintain the security and functionality of the platform. Users have the responsibility to comply with the user agreement and to report any violations to Seesaw.

In conclusion, understanding the Seesaw user agreement is crucial for a positive experience on the platform. It is important to remember that Seesaw is intended for educational purposes and to maintain appropriate behavior towards others in the Seesaw community. By respecting the terms and conditions outlined in the user agreement, all users can ensure a safe and productive learning environment.
